St. Luke the Evangelist Parish is a Roman Catholic Community dedicated
to carrying out the Gospel message of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our mission is to - welcome, evangelize and educate; provide spiritual nourishment; promote Christian values; foster peace and justice;
encourage service to others.
Weekdays (Monday-Friday)
9:00 am
5:30 pm
6:30 am | 8:30 am | 10:30 am
Misa en español
La próxima misa en español es el próximo domingo, 2 de febrero (la fiesta de la Presentación del Señor en el Templo), a las 12:30pm. Están invitados llevar a la misa sus velas y/o su imagen del Niño Jesús para una bendición.
4:00-4:45 pm (In the church) (No Confessions on Jan. 25.)
Archdiocese Fund to Support Parishes,
Schools and Those Impacted by the Local Fires
As we continue to pray for those affected by the local fires, we share the following... The Archdiocese has created the Wildfire Victims Emergency Relief Fund to support parishes, schools, and community members impacted by the fires.
A link is available at for all who wish to donate. The site also has various resource information.